Wednesday, December 28, 2011

$igning my Life Away

Everyday we hear that the government has grants to help you go back to school. What they don't say is that the grants available are only for First time college students working on their First Bachelors Degree. So with that said I have been praying and praying to God reminding him that if he opened that door, he also needs to provide the finances. As you can imagine by the title of this post I had to sign some papers and Thankfully I was offered some Financial Aid, unfortunately it is all in the type of a Loan. I told God I am taking it, but He needs to help me find away to not have to get any more loans. So I will make sure I do my best so that I can apply to some scholarships. I am scheduled and enrolled and ready to start on January 9, and in case you were wondering I already have Homework.

Words to remember: God opens doors for you, but you have to knock first and be willing to walk thru the open door. 

What does that mean, well that God answers prayers but we need to act and show him what we want. He won't send you a blessing unless you are willing to do your part. So remember its a partnership and you put your 100% and God puts his 100%.

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