Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Poem : Why?

Hello friends so long since I've been able to post. Life is hectic dealing with Health issues is tough. And worst when you have limitations.  But I wanted to share this with you.. I am working on a Masters in Social Work. And I am already tired of the same question " WHYYYYYY".

So After much though this is what I came up  with My Poem

 My Poem  Why?

Constantly I am asked why?

To that question I reply
Because I opened up my eyes 
I saw my surroundings, the disparities and the inequalities
I saw broken streets and broken dreams
Graffiti walls and dead end streets
I saw dead dogs lying on the sidewalk,
 As well as dead people walking, no sparkle left in their eyes, No dreams to bring them back to life
And No one talking, walk past me like I'm invisible, treat me like I am a stranger or a criminal
No neighborhood watch No community, No unity
Broken houses, Broken windows, Broken families, Broken dreams

I saw children lacking things and mothers struggling to make ends meet
I saw absent fathers...and boys aimlessly wandering with no super hero to guide them, no loving words or encouragement, no little league games, no hope, no faith 
A constant journey through the jail system going in and out like if it’s was a fast food restaurant
I saw the youth walking aimlessly with No guidance, No future or hope for a tomorrow, No education, No job and No College diploma.
I saw young people almost children making babies with no tomorrow
I saw old men with tired arms, with broken backs and sleepless eyes 
I see the sorrow in their eyes,  

I saw the grandmas with gray hair working night and day waiting on the bus to take them home ,
From lush gardens and clean streets, back into communities filled with broken walls and broken dreams, with broken hearts and much despair... With No help coming from anywhere...

Every day I'm asked why?
To that I simply reply... Because I opened up my eyes and saw the sorrow in their eyes. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

one step at a time... to empowerment

Summer is officially here for me .... but I really can't enjoy it... I am battling pain and more pain while trying to focus on making myself a better person. One of the things that I have learned is how to empower individuals. But sometimes all the support in the world won't help a person, once they have decided that they can't achieve something. Once you allowed the thought of failure to enter your heart and mind, there is no stoping it. So remember that one of the important factors needed in success is to Believe in yourself and to dream. I always tell people to "DREAM",but with your eyes wide opened. Since I was a child one of my coping mechanism was day dreaming... I used to imagine going to far of lands and meeting new people, well at that time they were not people they were characters. But it helped me when I was faced with difficult situations I kept my eye on the prize and focused on what I had dreamed about. My pastor said that a Dream is first born in your unconscious and comes to your sub conscious in the form of a thought. It is then transformed into a desire when it enters your heart, and you must write it down on paper to manifest it into reality. Once you have written it down , post it somewhere where you can see it daily as use it as a reminder of what is ahead. That's is exactly what I have been doing since I was a child, but most important I kept believing in myself and I never allowed the thought of defeat enter me mind.
So keep that in mind.., Believe and Dream, but with your eyes wide open and make them into a reality!

xoxoxox Liz

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Long Time No blog!!

Greetings from Sunny California, I do apologize for taking so long to post , but I have been super busy. here is my recap.. health wise , I am doing better than a year ago, but I am not better than 3 years ago. On that note I am praying and I believe that God will heal me, I have a wonderful Dr. and he is doing his best to help me. I am resting and sleeping as much as possible. On the school part, I am so excited to say that my spring semester is 2 weeks away from ending and I am doing great.  My extra curricular activities have all gone throughout the door,, since my body is not well . So instead I read and read and focus on my studying. Words of Wisdom... no matter how bad your situation is, have faith and do your best to overcome even the worst situations. Look for the light at  the end of the tunnel, there is always one. I am sick and can't use my body as I would love to, but that still hasn't keep me from doing my school work. yes it takes longer to do something , what I can do in one day has to be spread out into a week. But I don't give up and I don't look at the negatives, I try to stay focus and look at whats ahead. In my weakest moments I find strength that is within  me, I am resilient and an over comer and if I can achieve this, so can you.

Spring is here and so are the cherry Blossoms... I love them

Saturday, February 11, 2012

lets make some Lemonade

Hello =) I apologize for the delay, but I have been super busy with my health issues as well as with school. Let me tell you, school is awesome, but its a lot of work, a lot of reading. I just got my first paper back and I am semi-pleased to say that I got an 89 (Yes I know.. why couldn't it had been a 90) I mean its only 1 point away right, yeah I know... but I will take my 89 and fly with it. For being the first paper I have written in two years, I will take it. But my next one will be a 100. Taking into account that  I am dealing with physical ailments, I will take my grade and be grateful. God only knows how I was feeling when I was working on this paper. So I should be satisfied and not be so critical about myself, If I was 100% in good health, I would have a reason why to be upset with myself. But being in pain and having to take medications and having to take constant breaks does take a toll on my creativity.

So it's been a month since school started, but I have been reading and prepping for class since December. So I have been on study mode for two months. I am grateful the readings interesting and that my boyfriend lend me his iPad. That was the best thing that he could have done for me. It made the reading less stressful on my body. Since I can read while I am in bed and resting and I don't have to carry heavy textbooks.

so as an official grad student, I can tell you I am loving it, if I was 100 healthy it would be so much better. But when life throws me Lemons, I can either cry or make some Lemonade. I pray that God gives me the strength to get through this, on my worst days I remember that I worked with this pain to earn a  living so I better be willing to do the same to earn my education.

Until I write again, please take care of yourself and enjoy life, we only get one so we better make it count.

When I am weary and in pain, I look up to the heavens and I call upon his name, He hears my cry and comforts me... and then I realize that  I can do Anything in the name of Jesus who strengthens me!!!
